
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Declassified Darkness: Secrets of the CIA
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
This week we crack into the declassified files of the CIA! Listen to two UNBELIEVABLE stories which prove that sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. Along the way we'll learn about the future of human-burgers and how to walk through walls! Slap some tape on that webcam, this episode is HEAVILY REDACTED!
Thanks for listening! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more wonderful weirdness! Dig the show? Be sure to leave a review on iTunes and let us know.
Send questions, requests, or stories to accordingtoanidiot@gmail.com, or RT us @IdiotsAccord.

Monday Jul 01, 2019
Native American Monsters
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
A man (skin)walks into a bar...
This week we discuss two infamous Native American legends that remind us that there is NEVER an acceptable time to eat your family, or wear fur! Join as we discover our spirit animals, learn the art of shape-shifting, and try our best not to consume human flesh! Stay tuned, this episode is just what the shaman ordered!
Thanks for listening! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more wonderful weirdness! Dig the show? Be sure to leave a review on iTunes and let us know.
Send questions, requests, or stories to accordingtoanidiot@gmail.com, or RT us @IdiotsAccord.

Saturday May 18, 2019
Ed and Lorraine Warren
Saturday May 18, 2019
Saturday May 18, 2019
With the recent passing of legendary paranormal investigator Lorraine Warren, we take a retrospective look at the career of the Warrens and their paranormal love story. Listen as we unravel a bizarre history of ghostly encounters, demonic possession, and the occasional werewolf.
In the name of the Holy Spirit, I command you to listen to this podcast! (Holy water sold separately.)
Thanks for listening! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more wonderful weirdness! Dig the show? Be sure to leave a review on iTunes and let us know.
Send questions, requests, or stories to accordingtoanidiot@gmail.com, or RT us @IdiotsAccord.

Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Bloodsuckers Anonymous
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Ever wonder why 'the Count' on Sesame Street is purple? What does a Chupacabra look like? How edible are Count Chocula's remains? The answers to these questions AND MORE are just a click away! Hold on tight, spider monkey - EPISODE 23 is a bloody good time! Don't worry, we don't bite.
Thanks for listening! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more wonderful weirdness! Dig the show? Be sure to leave a review on iTunes and let us know.
Send questions, requests, or stories to accordingtoanidiot@gmail.com, or RT us @IdiotsAccord.
(Intro/Outro Music by Visager; additional music acquired through YouTube Audio Library)

Saturday Mar 09, 2019
For the Love of Xenu
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
What does sex magic, Scientology, and NASA have in common? A lot more than you'd think!
In this episode, the idiots discuss esotericism and cults! Along the way you'll learn all about Aleister Crowley, corn syrup, and the dangerous mind of L. Ron Hubbard. Episode #22 is all yours! We only ask that you sign this billion-year contract...
Thanks for listening! We are now available WHEREVER you listen to podcasts! Stay in the loop by following us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! And don't forget to leave us a review on iTunes!
Want in on the fun? Email us your questions and topics to accordingtoanidiot@gmail.com and we'll TALK ABOUT THEM! Email not your thing? Message us on social media, or RT us @IdiotsAccord.

Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Ghosty Getaways
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Thursday Feb 14, 2019
Scary places! Hang around for haunting tales of America's spookiest towns, the life and times of the Jersey Devil, and Italy's plague island. This episode is your one-way ticket to terror...
Thanks for listening! We are now available WHEREVER you listen to podcasts! If you enjoyed this, be sure to stay in the loop by following us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
Want in on the fun? Email us questions and topics and we'll TALK ABOUT THEM ON THE NEXT EPISODE! Email not your thing? Message us on social media, or RT us @IdiotsAccord.

Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Hooked On Demonics
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Welcome to Hell!
This week the idiots discuss demons and possession! Learn all about Jack Black's destructive acting techniques, which evil spirits to avoid in Mesopotamia, and how to exorcise a demon! Episode 19 will drag you to Hell...
Thanks for listening! We are now available WHEREVER you listen to podcasts! If you enjoyed this, be sure to stay in the loop by following us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!
Want in on the fun? Email us questions and topics and we'll TALK ABOUT THEM ON THE NEXT EPISODE! Email not your thing? Message us on social media, or RT us @IdiotsAccord.
The intro and outro music was made by Visager and was obtained from the Free Music Archive. Fading of the music was added for intro/outro purposes.
Email: accordingtoanidiot@gmail.com

Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Who Do Voodoo?!
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
I do, you do, we all do voodoo!
This week the idiots discuss the mysterious religion of Vodou! From the sandy shores of the Caribbean to the French Quarter of New Orleans, this is one curse you can't escape! Is it menacing witchcraft, or misunderstood worship? Put us in your ears and find out.
Thanks for listening! We are now available WHEREVER you listen to podcasts! If you enjoyed this, be sure to stay in the loop by following us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!
Want in on the fun? Email us questions and topics and we'll TALK ABOUT THEM ON THE NEXT EPISODE! Email not your thing? Message us on social media, or RT us @IdiotsAccord.
The intro and outro music was made by Visager and was obtained from the Free Music Archive. Fading of the music was added for intro/outro purposes.

Saturday Dec 29, 2018
The Xmas Files
Saturday Dec 29, 2018
Saturday Dec 29, 2018
Ho, ho, ho! That's a UFO!
In this holiday episode the idiots discuss the history of UFOs and alien abduction! Is extraterrestrial life possible? Was Earth visited by ancient astronauts? Who probed me? These questions and more will be answered in Episode 18! Watch the skies!
Thanks for listening! We are now available WHEREVER you listen to podcasts! If you enjoyed this, be sure to stay in the loop by following us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!
Want in on the fun? Email us questions and topics and we'll TALK ABOUT THEM ON THE NEXT EPISODE! Email not your thing? Message us on social media, or RT us @IdiotsAccord.
The intro and outro music was made by Visager and was obtained from the Free Music Archive. Fading of the music was added for intro/outro purposes.

Saturday Dec 22, 2018
17: The Narwhal Comedy Hour / According To An Idiot
Saturday Dec 22, 2018
Saturday Dec 22, 2018
Disclaimer: If you're new to the show we recommend you start with our more recent releases, then work your way back to this one! This early episode may not accurately reflect the show's current format or quality standards. That said, enjoy!
WE HAVE RETURNED! No, we aren't dead - not on the outside at least!
This week the idiots discuss hot singles in your area, the dangers of science, and England's most VIOLENT haunting! Episode 17 will hit you like a narwhal tooth to the chest!
Thanks for listening! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more wonderful weirdness! Dig the show? Be sure to leave a review on iTunes and let us know.
Send questions, requests, or stories to accordingtoanidiot@gmail.com, or RT us @IdiotsAccord.